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Kerry Danes, CSM

"I served 42 years in the Australian Defence Force (ADF), predominately with the Australian Special Forces, and obtained the rank of Warrant Officer Class One. Throughout my service, I have stood beside a number of my colleagues who were subjected to inequitable treatment that resulted in significant detriment to their career, reputation and mental health. The mistreatment of ADF personnel must stop! We need reforms that include a reparation policy that: acknowledges violations that were committed against an ADF member, to repair the damage done by these violations, and to identify the root causes of the violations to prevent them from occurring again in the future."

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Dr Kay Danes OAM 

"I think a critical element that is missing from the current discourse is the impact that defective administration also has on ADF members, prior to discharge. As the research reflects, many ADF members have been subjected to significant professional employment failures during service, that have caused them  irrevocable reputational harm. The risk of suicide and self harm is not just a consequence of war. It is now commonly accepted, in research, that there is a link between institutional abuse and abnormal suicide risk among this cohort."

Kay earned her PhD with the School of Law and Justice at Southern Cross University, and has a Masters in Human Rights, with High Distinctions, at Curtin University. 

Having your complaint heard is challenged by the fact that even the most seemingly straight-forward point can become highly complex. The nature of your complaint needs to be articulated concisely:

  Your current employment status (serving, reserves, ex-serving ADF personnel),

  A brief synopsis of your complaint and any relevant violation of regulations/legislation,  

What level your complaint reached (e.g., CDF, IGADF, Ombudsman, Minister, Information Commissioner etc.),

  The achieved outcome or resolution.

A description of the outcome you were hoping to achieve.

If you would like any advice on how to structure your complaint, contact us.

Strictly Confidential.

You are not alone! 

Contact Us or go directly to the Website of the National Commissioner for Defence and Veteran Suicide Prevention (below)

If you feel impacted by any of the information on this site, please seek professional help! 

Stay informed or Send a Message. 

©defencelivesmatter 2023

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